i didn't update my blog for long time....
cause... the first thing is nothing to write... and also... no time to update my blog....
this is the latest me...
haha!! i learn latin dance ...
i just started this week... so... i learn some steps only...
what makes me so surprise??
i saw the class not only got children...
and also got old people...
why don't they separate the old and the young student leh??
so... this few day nothing happen la...
oh ya!
this Wednesday we have PJ class...
so that everyone must do sit up, pumping, step up and jangkauan melunjur and naik bangku...
so... i did the jangkauan melunjur last few week....
so... we did sit up and naik bangku this Wednesday...
omG! i can't believe that i still can did 34 times for the sit up...
hahaha!!! cause i didn't exercise for long time already...
hahahah!! so happy cause i get the highest marks in this class...
after that.... when i when back...
i sleep for a while... after i wake up...
my leg cramp ... this is the first my lrg cramp...
the feeling is just like.... bla bla bla... i don't know how to describe...
so... cause i'm a pbsm... so... i know the way to cure my leg... haha!!
and... my body pain like hell ..
so suffer.... until now...
my body is pain...
i can't even laugh...
cause when i laugh... my stomach muscle very pain...
you know..??
for my life... i can't live without laughing...
cause you know.... people who know me also said me... *happy girl*
but actually... happy girl also will sad want....
yesterday i play volleyball again...
at first... i can get all the ball they pass to me...
after that... don't know why i just laugh...
laugh until can't even get the ball...
omG!! what happen to me??
and also nothing so funny...
haiz... my blog getting boring and boring...
what to do???
hope you all will not boring when read my blog...
Bad Bad Store, GMBB Bukit Bintang
18 hours ago
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