dust grow..
LoL... so lame...
i have nothing to update la...
but... after 1st january 2010..
i will update my blog... =)
lazy to upload those photo now..
so... type all this nonsense is just to clean the dust...
update soon... =)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
going to cut hair later...
i am going to change my hair style soon..
hopefully it is nice...
i going to cut my hair and straighten it *in front only*
i try it before...
i just scare i will regret after i cut..
i will upload the picture soon...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
picture that i make up just now..
too bored.
so going and try some make up =)
this is those pic i snap. =)
2 picture without fake eye lashes and 1 with fake eye lashes.
don't see the face... just see the eyes.
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:50 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
report card day..
today i get my report card...
i get what i not expected.
i get number 9/43 in the class...
sound proud huh??
actually i not satisfy my percentage..
i got 59.92..
hope to get 60 but i can't..
this is my overall marks
BM - 61
BI - 58
BC - 48
SEJ - 46
PM - 60
MT - 83
Add MT - 70
CHE - 45
PHY - 63
BIO - 57
SV - 78
PJK - 50
there have 3A3B3C3D
not satisfy.
will work harder next year for spm.
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:05 PM 2 comments
feel so bad.
the feeling to reject someone is really bad.
i hate the feeling very much~
because i feel so sorry..
sorry guys...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
time square ♥
today, my mum, brother and i went to time square.
we depart at 9.15 a.m.
and we arrived at 10.+ a.m.
that time was so early..
the people at the mall also less...
so... its nice to walk.
at first..
i want to buy a high heel shoe.
we take so long to shop the whole mall, and i bought 2 shoe..
XD i am choosy so need to take a long time to choose the shoe.
1 for 39.90, 2 for 70.
so my mum asked me to buy 2.
=)after that, it was afternoon.
we took a break at the food court.
we decided to watch movie actually, i want to watch planet 51 because i heard from my friend that the show is real funny, but there don't have this show.
so.. we continue to shop.
i bought 7 things and it cost 215.60 all together..
feel so guilty because that is my mum's money..
i bought nail polish, 2 cloths, 1 dress, 2 shoes and a pant.
and my brother bought 2 shirt and 1 shoe.
it cost 180.
gosh!!!! my mum use around 400+...
=( super guilty...
but... only once for a year...
will treat my mum good to let the guilty "fly" away...
that is all for today~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
18/11/09 trip
i have a trip to mid valley..
they have 16 of us are going..
the purpose we go is watch 2012..
at first..
they said..
all of us must reach at 9.00 a.m.
i reach at 9.20..
feel so sorry...
cause of my dad need to do his stuff and go work after fetching me..
so... i must wait...
when i am on the way to ktm...
all the traffic light turn red ...
so...after we reached..
we go and buy the ticket first...
after that... i and eric ate breakfast at mcd cause we haven't ate...
and then only go watch movie...
omG! 2012 is so awesome... =)
enjoyed it very much =)
after that we shop for a while...
and go back...
at first we wait for the train to come..
and i boarded ..
after that i receive a call from my mum and she say she will come and picked me up at 6+..
so i go down and some of my friends is still there...
so i and them wait for the next turn..
the other train also was packed like sardin...
omg! anyway the time is already 5.43... so i must get in ..
left aaron alone in the station..
cause he can't packed in...
so...i feel pity when saw him alone..
and... once i reach ktm..
my mum just reached...
so i went back...
this is what we did yesterday...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
today have class jamuan...
not bad la...
at first all chit chat and do anything thing that we want...
after recess...
our class jamuan started..
there have tomato rice, kfc and so on...
hmmmm... the food counted okay only...
after ate..
we play games...
two people in one group..
one blow the balloon and one burst it..
the first three who burst it first no need to punished..
i get no.4 ...
so need to be punished...
the punishment for me is..
make up by using lip stick only...
omG!! at school we did this...
lucky the lip stick was pink in colour...
if red...
i can't imagine...
so many people taking picture..
since when i become so famous huh?? XD
so... our trip to mid valley is on wednesday...
hope can enjoy on that day...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
blah blah blah
the text book is return... =)
no need to study already..
just wait for the result...
hope can get as much as we can... =P *teacher mark faster*
what i know recently is add math... 70 unexpected
BC 48 unexpected too *thought fail*
chemistry paper 1 28/50 not really satisfy..
now left other subject..
hope to get before holiday..
this friday our class having some jamuan...
i'm going...
plan to go midvalley that day...
but... is canceled....
so... have fun~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
tell me if you know...
people who wear lens..
or know bout lens please help me if you know...
the lens will spoil if you drop the eye drop??
i did that and i notice that once i wear the lens again..
my eyes will have tear drop ..
but after 5 minute it fine...
why like this one??
tell me if you know...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
today bio test is okay...
quite tough actually..
anyway... its over... so don't care la...
i get my BM marks today...
i get 61... =)
its enough... no need so high...
thought will get D...
but... thanks god.. =)
one mark more then my target... =)
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:39 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
= /
yesterday was add math...
its okay actually... but paper 2 is tougher..
today physic...
i did a lot of careless mistake... =/
both is my favourite subject...
but.. sigh...
not so good...
this time my result will be worse i think..
almost give up...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
latin thingy...
so good...
that day teacher call me...
and guess what she ask/tell?
its ..
she ask me can go for the latin performance at 19Feb 2010 at tian hou gong...
=) so happy to heard that....
cause i just learn for a few month only...
=) sharon will go too...
so excited ...
hope i won't wait for nothing (don't cancel)
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:21 PM 6 comments
why must the history so hard??
i think i not even know how to do half of the paper...
i like history since this year..
but why its getting so hard this time?
i just hope to get 40 for this time...
its just 40... i don't want more...
but... now i feel relax cause this is the subject i most worry...
=) can relax start from today...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
exam thingy~
so fast....
its already thursday..
and yea cause almost one week end...
still got one week + to go...
is it very suffer??
sometime i will say yes..
and sometime i will say no...
lets say BM..
its hard... especially the tata part...
owh gosh...
i aim for 60 ... but now no more i think... =(
for BI i don't think so i will get a good result...
for BC.... no need to say la... for me sure hard one...
it might fail... =( *worry*
PM i'm lucky.. cause those nilai i crap it correctly cause i didn't hafal...
and today MT...
its quite hard actually... but still aim to get A..
hopefully i can...
tomorrow... =(
the subject that i scare and worry the most is history..
i haven't study yet... need to study hard later...
i think i need 3 or more hours to study that... cause it making me confuse...
and i use the most time to study that...
other sub i use almost 1 hour then can rest...
hopefully we can get what we want... =)
i aim for 60 and above for each subject...
except... A for math
C and above for sej and pjk
40 and above for BC...
hope it will comes true... =P
got to go... chao~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
comment~ =P
i cut my hair...
although is just slightly different...
but... i'm not really satisfy...
this is why i don't like to cut hair...
scare once cut wrongly then need to wait long time to get the length back...
so... there is some pic down there...
can comment also...
two more day exam is started..
but i still here..
plan to study tomorrow..
hope it work...
anyway... good luck for those who going to sit for the exam...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
i did the bio from chapter 6 to chapter 9...
its almost half of the text book..
am i mad?
hahah!! is force to la..
and the exercise must finish up also..
i lost one... so act don't know lo...
cause teacher want it tomorrow...
lucky i finished...
today we had a chinese exam..
paper 1... its just essay...
so... just wrote lo...
and i just study for not more than 5 minutes at the last minutes..
hopefully i didn't write it wrongly...
next week going to test for 2 weeks....
got good and also bad..
so... plan to study this sunday...
but... don't know will or not la..
arh!! who have many komsas tips?? i need it... cause...
i don't know all the story... =(
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
have fun... =)
on thursday and friday...
i go my friend house and uncle house for the buffet..
hahah!! seem i like to eat huh??
exactly ... =P
erm... i have fun at there...
not bad.. this few day also have a good mood...
erm... there is more picture in facebook too i think..
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:50 AM 0 comments
our BIO student did something...
guess what??
that is bisection...
omG.. pity those animal...
its innocent...
we kill almost 10 animal...
cause there are 10 groups i think...
its discugsting but.. quite fun la...
i didn't even touch the animal... cause...
i have a angel hearted... =P (i'm affraid of them...)
so... just see them do operation for them lu...
not bad la... we learn something new... =)
heard that we need to kill them next year too...
to see their respiratory system...
so... see them next year...
there is some picture in facebook... check it out there...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
yesterday... we start our school ...
hahha!! rest one week already~~ so fast...
so... yesterday go school..
i faint...
omG!!! first time~~ its SCARY!!
i stomach ache and then i faint...
lucky not inside the toilet!!!
so i faint in the class...
after that.. my friends siek yann, mei khe and evonne came and find me..
they called me to go bilik kesihatan but i can't even walk ...
so they nervous and go and find people to help me...
finally... they can't find anyone to help and mei khe decide to carry me...
you know... someone was faint will gain weight right??
but she still carry me... until bilik music.... they saw my friends aaron and the gang...
and they asked aaron to help me...
and he carry me till the bilik kesihatan....
after that my friend call my mum and my dad come and fetch me...
he carry ,me out too...
and that time is recess...omg!! so many people saw...
so paiseh~!!
anyways... thanks for the help while i faint...
really don't know how to balas budi...
and feel guilty to them who carry me and their hand muscle pain..
and thanks for those who sms @ call and ask me how i am...
hope!!! its won't happen again!!!
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:46 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
outgoing =)
i, evonne, mai yek, kwan wei, jesmen, jason, kenth zheng, ken wee, and shui chuan went to metro point...
haha!! not bad~ quite happy~~
erm.... at first we played bowling...
i score 93 and is the second high marks...
first is ken wee.. he score 97..
not bad~~
after that i, evonne and maiyek go merto kajang shopping...
and we met them back after lunch~
we sang k at music box for two hours...
but mai yek and evonne sang one hour only..
but we have fun there too~~
so... after that we went back lu~~
there is some photos... =)
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
normal day~
feel like sleeping when my mum called me up...
but... i have no choice...
so force to wake up... =(
so... same thing... almost sleep in the class...
erm... and thanks for the 'cent's' calls yesterday..
make me can't sleep :P
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:12 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
getting lazy and lazy =(
getting lazy and lazy...
even the homework i also don't feel like doing...
have 4 essays...
nvm... just did 2... chinese essay going to do on wednesday i think...
erm... so left english essay for tomorrow...
its hard...
wedding ceremony...
who can help?
oh yea~~
i took some picture a t puchong...
but... i suddenly deleted it...
urgh!! i haven't save yet...
and some more i love some of those pic..
but... deleted... and can't found back..
what to do??
just let it be lo... =(
left 2 only...
lucky... better than nope right??
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
haha!! back~~
long time didn't update already~~
and just came back from Puchong!!
so fast...
friday already~~
=( how sad..
homework haven't done...
still got 3 essays...
at my kai jie there so good...
always laugh until stomachache :P
until midnight leh... haha!
and some more i meet some of her friends too..
its happy to meet them... =)
and... thanks my kai jie and her family to spend their time with me..
i'm so happy~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
sad or happy?
just now...
received a message from my friend....
they say tomorrow my tuition teacher (last year) invite us out and have a drinks together..
i want to go... very hope to go...
but i'm going to Puchong tomorrow...
so can't go...
hope the time can change...
if can't also never mind la...
hope you all can enjoy..
hope me too...
enjoy at Puchong~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
tomorrow holiday already~~~
nothing special happen also..
now don't know why i addicted to the rubix cube...
and i'll go puchong tomorrow...
XD until tuesday night only come back~~
but there is some homework waiting for me~~~
hate you, homework!!
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
going to sick~
think i'm going to sick soon..
super tired + flu + sorethrout...
and i going to sleep after i watch a show..
nothing special happen also..
and i considered no homework also...
my friend suddenly say..
ching yee... why you so short already??
*heart broken*
i say maybe you tall already leh..
and he just say... no lo.. i didn't tall lo...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:08 PM 0 comments
chinese class~
so fast...
tomorrow friday already....
so good...
nothing special...
and the same..
always feel sleepy in the class...
especially today in chinese class...
don't know why... every time i go chinese class for sure i want to sleep...
maybe boring??
and i always let teacher call me to read cause teacher also know i'm sleepy...
so i read..
all people laugh at me... cause i have many words don't know how to read...
LoL... and now my friend ask...
is it you always mix with people who don't know how to speak chinese??
why your slang turn to english when you read??
actually i don't know what is the answer...
and i don't think that i read chinese have some english slang...
but i believe i speak english have some chinese slang..
hahhah!!! XD
thats all for today...
and yeah~ i don't have homework today~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Maria Birthday Party~
today i went for a party...
just came back...
i'm the first one who reach her house weyh~~
didn't know this...
so... its quite boring that time..
after my friends came...
then it became okay...
so... first we eat first..
around 8+ we start to play game...
we separate into two group..
that is even number and odd number..
first.. we build a pyramid...
our group was fast...
and we need to build until the fourth stage..
i'm the top.. so... once i stand... the whole group fall..
sorry... but we won~~ =)
second is we cross our hand in a circle...
and we need to turn until it become a circle...
and my group win also...~~ hahah!! XD
after this... we play 'have you ever'
i kena once... and we have photo shooting after this...
then birthday girl, maria open the present...
and i came back~~~
and yea~~
cause monday is holiday~~!!
p/s: all my photo can see my panda eyes obviously... =(
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
haha!!! today is national day....
MALAYSIA 52 years already....
so fast...
hurm... but i celebrate at house only...
didn't go anywhere...
cause my homework finish...
XD finally...
holiday finish...
my bed.... goodbye~~
i need to go school with a tired face...
and maybe in the class too...
but go school also okay la....
not so boring ma... right???
yesterday i went puchong until 1 o'clock only came back...
quite happy spending my time with my step sister...
miss ya~~ don't know when only go again...
GOOD LUCK for all those SPM student tomorrow...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
you are not alone...
you are not alone by MJ
i love this so much...
don't know why....
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
to: wai chee~~~
HAppy biRthday!!!
may your wish comes true~~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: wai chee
Sunday, August 23, 2009
sick just recover...
hopefully tomorrow will fully recover..
i want to go out...
i want to go out with my primary school friends...
but my parent ..
don't know let or not...
the chance is only 20% can go...
=( how sad...
and it was holiday~~
can sleep late, wake up late...
hahah XD
nothing to say already...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
holiday faster come...
i need to sleep....
almost sleep in the classroom every...
but... just wake up just now...
feel better...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
today our school celebrate merdeka...
its quite boring at first...
after that... there have some performance..
its quite funny la actually...
if i act the girl that been tortured by Japanese...
i sure will laugh... lucky i didn't said i want...
we sit at the tapak perhimpunan for 2 +...
omG!!! sit until butt also pain :P
erm... after that we go class and have a break at 10.25...
on the way we study...
suddenly there have spot check...
i don't scare cause...
i'm a disciplin girl....
no la....
i clip my hair up...
wear baju kurung,
nail short cause been catch to cut yesterday by prefect...
didn't bring any thing that can't bring to school...
so i don't scare...
i just scare my lip ice been confiscated again...
i bring cause i really don't know where should i put after i eat ....
i mean before i came to school...
but lucky they can't find...
now only i realize that i'm so clever to hide....
this much for today ..
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
this few days so boring...
mood not really good actually..
cause the weather too hot...
haha!! XD
yesterday i heard something that really make me happy...
first time heard my mum said this...
at first we said bout math topic...
after that i said i can answer the question first...
and i help girl team to win 4 marks for the girl team in a quiz...
then my mum said...
actually you can want...
just you lazy only...
can i believe this word can came out from my mum??
first time praising me...
XD haha!!!!
boring days...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
treasure hunt... and also overall result for monthly test...
treasure hunt for today is quite fun weyh~~~
at first we need to warm up first...
we dance and did what the facilitator did...
there were some cute motion...
after that...
the game started...
we need to did what the facilitator said before we getting the next clue..
so we did so much thing...
such as...
built a thing with a certain height with straw that can support 3 bottles of mineral bottle,
cut a A4 paper that can squeeze 5 people in and walk to the surau,
eat francis bread that is long and hard...
(must eat all, cannot vomit, and cannot throw)
fill the teka silang, dance at the field, create a poem and so on...
it was so fun...
but the bread was really yurks la....
lucky our team got 3 boys 2 girls..
hahha!! if not we can't ever finish the bread...
and also got clever people in our group to think idea...
after that...
out team, Cheeter get the fifth place...
lose cause the A4 paper la...
always break...
once we break we need to do again...
and you know....
our team got boys and girls...
its so shy to squeeze together in a circle...
and we get a small hamper... ^^
next year i will join in again if got chance la..
erm... out of topic...
finally... i get my history paper...
that is 75..
:) happy~~
and my grandmother is better than yesterday~~ :)
this is my overall result...
BM - 62
BI - 62
BC -46
MT - 89
ADD MT - 40
BIO - 72
CHE - 53
PHY - 60
SEJ - 75
PM - 50
EST - 52
i have 3A 3B 3C 1D 1E
that all for today~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
my grandmother sick already...
hopefully is normal sick only...
erm... i get a few subject already...
that is moral...
i get 50... :(
physic i get 60...
and chemistry i get 53...
:( its quite disappointed...
cause i thought i can get B...
but... nop..
and math i get 89... :)
still left history i haven't get...
but... tomorrow... i join the activity that is treasure hunt...
so... not going to study tomorrow..
cause the activity start from 8 - 12 ...
skip my chemistry class...
my team member is me, eileen, calvein, zhen fui and...
this is for today~~~
hope my grandmother recover as fast as possible...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
today i start laughing since the second period until i reach home...
voice almost gone that time...
cause almost all the teacher not free..
haha!!! XD
no homework to do...
only got one essay...
erm... i hate essay!!!
and yeah!!
i get my lip ice back~~
at first i find the disiplin teacher...
and she said she throw away already...
so she ask me a lots of question..
at last she call me to find her before i go back..
actually teacher keep already..
omG!!! lies to student....!!
k... that all for today~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 12:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
get bio paper...
i'm quite shock to get my paper...
i get 72!!
first time get A for bio...
cause that day still not feeling well..
and a fail the first time for my bio..
and the second time i get 52...
now get A...
i can get 80...
but can't cause too careless...
thought that the alphabet is already arrange...
so i just write the answer la...
who know the alphabet all simply put...
etc. P= R=
Q= T=
nvm la...
don't be careless next time...
out of topic...
the prefect confiscated my lip ice...
that for protect my lips to crack...
its quite new...
T.T how?
should i take it back from teacher???
but i scare i take wrongly...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
est! unfair~
why like this want??
more one 's' can be wrong??
type of wave >>> longitudinal wave
travels slowest through >>> gas
question>>>my answer
is it correct??
nope... teacher said the first answer is longitudinal.. cannot have the word wave
the second want is gases... cannot without 'es'...
like this also can counted wrong...
there have 2 section..
the 1st section was quite good...
i get 11/15..
BUT... the section B...
omG!!! cause of all that nonsense...
if teacher marks all that question correct..
i get 70 ... that is A2
but now i only get 52...
its unfair....
i'll notice next time...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
lucky? unlucky?
i didn't get any test paper...
except add math...
other teacher mark so slow...
my add math...
you guys guess what i get??
i get 40..
is lucky or unlucky?
lucky is a pass...
unlucky is i not feeling well on that day... if not maybe will get a better result...
40 its ok la... at least pass... although i didn't improve but drop so many marks...
from 62 drop to 40...
is 22 marks less than last time...
hopefully next time i won't get sick during the exam week..
i almost everytime sick during exam...
i mean stomach ache...
last year also like this...
thats all for today~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
good luck~~
will be the week that we will get our result...
hopefully all of you can get a good result...
hehe ^.^
hopefully no fail...
quite worry my add math...
i regret that didn't go home that day ..
but all is too late...
so... hopefully it will PASS..
40 is enough...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
war is finish~!!!!
today quite happy..
cause the history subject is not hard...
it just ok...
erm... physic subject its quite hard...
but i finish around 25 minutes...
so fast.... and i know maybe have many mistake...
cause almost every subject i also finish within 25 minutes..
only add math... cause not feeling well...
hopefully we get a good marks for our exam....
out of topic...
my mum go cameron for 3 days two night alone...
cause her office every colleague need to go for the kursus...
so... hope my mum will safe...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
backbone still pain...
nvm la...
hope it cure as fast as possible...
today exam...
i scare tomorrow...
tomorrow got history and physic...
i scare history leh...
but i'll read at night or maybe at school...
GooD lucK~!
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
not feeling well~
suffering since yesterday....
my stomach so pain ...
can't go toilet...
cause exam started...
and i started 25 minutes later than others...
lucky i finish...
today my backbone pain until..
i don't know how to said...
make me no mood...
even laugh also no strength ..
+ my backbone will pain when i laugh...
i think i going to fail some subject..
cause of not feeling well...
some key word i also didn't notice...
yesterday add math also...
the formula should me (y1-y2)=m(x1-x2)
but i use (y1-y2)=m(x1+x2)...
this time is not so important...
hopefully i won't have any sick anymore...
especially during exam week...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
we went for the competition...
fuh~~ its so many people and so crowded...
so i manage to register without squeeze like " sardin"
so ... after that me, jye kuen, yan hui , and hui xian walk to the class....
and we found our place to sit...
the quiz start... i know almost 5 question out of 150 only...
hahah!!! so funny hor??
normally didn't read newspaper but go and join this quiz...
hahah!! actually i want to get certificate only...
and heard teacher said got add the koko marks for us..
after that we go tuition...
when i reach home... my mum said that she want to bring me to the saloon..
cause she want to perm her hair..
so i follow... cause i also want to cut my hair..
and i not really satisfy this hair style..
but.. nvm... cause it will long... my heart so pain...
hair so long become short already... cause cut wrongly... (just a bit wrong only)
next week going to test...
GooD lucK~!

Posted by ch!nG y3e at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
good luck~
erm... test is coming~~
test coming next monday..
start with BM and MT subject...
and i haven't copy the time table....
need to see or copy next monday...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
to: embrys
HapPy biRtHdaY!!!!
may your wish comes true....
happy always!!! ^^
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: embrys yong
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
today the whether is so windy~
maybe cause of the rain...
when i going back by motor... i feel good ...
the thing that i mention in previous post..
thanks for you all's concerning...
erm... i'm better now...
trying to be happy like last time...
cause last time i am a happy girl ^^
is it very important??
why when someone thrust her friends...
but... sometime the one who you thrust will betray you....
and also some of you can be thrust...
no worries... not saying me....
its just a theory by ching yee ~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
trip at ipoh~
tired this few day...
need a good slumber...
erm... that day i go ipoh...
erm... quite boring la.. we ate at a restaurant where the people marry at there...
so... the dishes was ok... some is not nice to eat..
but some ok la... quite delicious...
i took some photo .
and yea~ yesterday i get my Latin shoe..
haha!!! its expensive...
it cost RM 160 ..
OMG!!!! but its ok la...
not really ugly~~ ^^
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
cause of what??
aiyo~~ myself i also don't know...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
erm... my diary...
tomorrow going to Ipoh...
cause of what??
haha!! cause my grandmother birthday~~~
happy birthday!!!!
i'm wonder why my contact lens so weird want..
my contact lens look good...
no spoilt no nothing....
but... once i wear... my tear keep dropping..
weird la...
it also didn't over turn...
its comfort when i wear on it...
but my tears keep coming out...
who know why??
still so emotional la...
suddenly happy suddenly sad...
really dont know what happen to me...
is it my tiredness??
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
CHEER 2009
last Sunday i went to support our team "X-PLODETES"...
erm... quite sad cause can't join in this year...
the cheer was just awesome...
but for our team... sorry for saying this...
its not really perfect...
but... KAMBATEH!!!
try harder next year...
erm... maybe cause of all the flyer injured...
so... they can't perform "peacefully"...
so.... hope you all don't be sad...
and hope all the flyer that injured can recover as fast as possible...
i like stunner all boys team....
their perform is just awesome~~~~~
so long didn't update...
sorry... cause i have nothing to write...
and... this few day my mood was just moody!!!!
T.T hate~~
maybe cause of too tired....
and today teacher change out place in the class...
i was not satisfy~~~~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
is cheer 2009...
our school cheer team 'X-PLODETES' is going to join the competition also...
maddie... don't stress yourself...
you can want!!!
we still can dance what!!!
i will support you.
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
bicara akedemik day~~
is a day to take our report card...
i get no. 17 out of 44 in the class...
don't know why drop already... that day i saw i get 15.. but now suddenly become 17..
nvm la... try harder next time...
i not really satisfy the result..
cause of sv and pjk??
i don't know...
cause of this two subject make my peratus down...
if not... my peratus increase...
nvm la...
lucky teacher didn't said bad of me...
some more praise me...
erm... if the teacher who talk to my mother is my english teacher...
then i sure die...
hahah!!! cause always talk talk talk...
and didn't pay attention any all...
cause of i need to go tuition at 12.30..
so i need to take the report card without lining up...
its so sorry to others...
need to wait some more...
but i take report card very fast want..
not like other people... take so long...
their mother ask to many question already..
what to ask???
you all don't know behind got so many people waiting??!!
at last i get to rush to tuition...
thats all ...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
tag from winnie~~
001. Real name: Lim Ching Yee
002. Nickname: ching yee
003. Age: 16
004. Horoscope: capricon
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary: SJK (C) Sin Ming
007 Middle School: SMKTJ2
008. High School: SMKTJ2
009. College school: erm... i think i will know a few year later..
010. Hair colour: Black
011. Long or short: Long
012. Loud or Quiet: Loud
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone
015. Health freak: don't know... ask doctor la...
016. Drink or Smoke: both also don't like~~
017. Do you have a crush on someone: erm...
018. Eat or Drink: Both
019. Piercings: nop
020. Tattoos: nop
021. Social or Anti-Social: social ^^
022. Righty or Lefty: RIGHT !! xD ~
023. First piercing: ??????
024. First relationship: 14years old..but only that year...
025. First Best Friend: sharon
026. First Award: don't know...
027. First Kiss: my first kiss still at here...
028. First Pet : fish
029. First Big Vacation: langkawi T.T
030. First Love at First Sight: i don't know...
031. First Big Birthday: 16 year old gua..
032. First Surgery: no...
033. First sport you joined: dancing counted??
034. Orange or Apple Juice: Orange ^^
035. Rock or Rap: Both ^^
036. Country or Screamo: Country
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet Boys
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: britney spears
039. Night or Day: night
040. Sun or Moon: moon ^^
041. TV or Internet: Internet
042. Playstation or xbox: internet xP
043. Kiss or hug: don't know.... haven't try before...
044. Iguana or turtle: both... also don't like..
045. Spider or bee: don't like...
046. Fall or spring: Fall ...
047. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes
048. Soccer or baseball: baseball
049. Eating: whatever that taste good...
050. Drinking: same ^^
051. Excitement level: erm... im not sure..
052. I'm about to: sleep... too many question already...
053. Listening to: sugar
054. Plan for today: no planing
055. Waiting for: sleep
056. Energy level: ok lo...
057. Thinking of someone: no one...
058. Want kids: yes
059. Want to get married: YES
060. When: depends la...
061. How many kids do you want: 2
062. Any name in mind:lim ching yee ^^
063. What did you want to be when you were little: erm... don't know
064. Careers in mind: don't know yet...
065. Mellow future or wild: wild
066. Something you would never try: Commit suicide
067. When do you want to die: when i old^^
068. Lips or Eyes: for me or my patner??
069. Romantic or Funny: funny
070. Shorter or Taller: taller
071. Protective or Caring: Both la
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneous
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: nice arms
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive
075. Hooked-up or Relationship: Relationship ..
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: Trouble Maker ...
077. Muscular or Normal: don't know.... muscular gua....
078. Kissed a stranger: no...
079. Broken a bone: no...
080. Lost glasses or contacts: contacts
081. Ran away from home:nope... but think before when i just 9 yrs old...
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Gun ... no need go near ^^
083. Killed somebody: no
084. Broken someone's heart: yes.... but sorry!!! not purposely want..
085. Had your heart broken: no...
086. Been arrested: no ... good girl ma^^ xP
087. Cried when someone died: my grandfather
088. Liked a friend more than a friend : i think so
089. Yourself: yes.. but lack of confident
090. Miracles: yea
091. Love at first sight: yea
092. Heaven: yea
093. Santa Claus: nop
094. Tooth fairy: no
095. Kiss in the first date: No la .. hold hand aldready limit ..
096. Angels: yea
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now : no
098. Happy with where you're in life now?: ok lo... if my friendship is very good...
099. Do you believe in God?: Yup ..
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 6 people: who want to tag la...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
my overall result~~~
i get know i get what in the class already...
i get no. 15 over 44...
i drop from 11 to 15...
and my percentage become 55.7+
don't know whether increase or not la..
i get my PJK...
its 43...
thought i will fail...
so... this is my overall marks...
BM - 60
BI - 48
BC - 40
MT - 74
ADD MT - 62
SEJ - 52
BIO - 51
CHE - 55
PHY - 65
PM - 56
EST - 65
SV - 52
PJK - 43
try harder next time to get a better result...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
happy father's day!
today is father day~~
wish all the father in this world 'HAPPY FATHER'S DAY'
thanks you father...
although i always get scolded by you...
but i know that mean you care me...
this is my handmade + computer made card for you...
hope you like it...
sorry... cause i don't have art talent...
Happy Father's Day!
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
part 2 - bout results...
fuh~~ i get all my result except PJK only...
i pass all....
but maybe PJK will fail also...
hopefully won't la...
here is the other 4 subject...
EST - 65
SEJ - 51
SV - 52
BIO - 52
wao~~ so many C this time...
nevermind.. try harder next time...
so.... now i have 1 A 4 B 5 C 1 D 1 E..
i very weak in paper one...
how only can become good in paper 1?
study more??
i think so....
k la...
next week need to take report card already...
thanks mum take lift cause of this....
FATHER'S day coming??
how you all celebrate??
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
school reopen already...
T.T so fast~~
erm... yesterday i learn cha cha.... its ok...
but i prefer rock and roll...
so... yesterday we get some result...
here is it
BM - 60
P.M - 56
M.T - 74
Add MT - 62
so.. its ok... normally the result on my first day will be fine...
but after that will not be so good...
thats real....
today result...
CHE - 55
PHY - 65
B.I - 48
B.C - 40
so.... i have 1 A 3 B 2 C 1 D 1 E..
wao~~~ i almost get all the grade... but hopefully don't get G!!!
now still got 5 subject i haven't know what is the marks...
that is EST , SEJ , BIO , SV , and PJK...
hope can pass all....
erm.... but BIO i think we can't get... cause teacher go kursus for 2 weeks....
so... i don't know when only can get my BIO...
thanks god my BC and BI didn't fail....
i thought that my BC and BI will fail...
cause my essay i out of topic...~~~
so... thanks god~!!!!
love eu~
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
school reopen...~
school reopen soon...
miss my bed so much~~~
and some more my homework done half only...
and some more the test paper...
i don't want to take or know my marks can ar??
i scare i can't accept the result....
k la...
nothing to write already...
Posted by ch!nG y3e at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
trip to penang..
im back!!
omg!! first time sit in the bus for 8 hours...
really ...
no word can describe... ^^
actually penang not really nice to play la..
quite boring...
i like the hotel only...
cause there have so many temple...
make us feel boring...
and some more we not really happy...
and i regret... cause i didn't bath in the tub... ( jacuzzi )
you know why??
its so so so discusting...
yurk~~ my cousin's cousin past motion in the tub you know...
so i dare not bath inside...
and there i ate only char keow teow nice to eat only...
some more one restaurant crazy already...
the food is so so so so expensive...
we ate not much... but when the bill comes....
RM 1042.70
omG!!!! what food is that??
also not very delicious la....
charge us so expensive...
i have nothing to said....
just explain at the picture la...

Posted by ch!nG y3e at 8:59 AM 0 comments