school reopen already...
T.T so fast~~
erm... yesterday i learn cha cha.... its ok...
but i prefer rock and roll...
so... yesterday we get some result...
here is it
BM - 60
P.M - 56
M.T - 74
Add MT - 62
so.. its ok... normally the result on my first day will be fine...
but after that will not be so good...
thats real....
today result...
CHE - 55
PHY - 65
B.I - 48
B.C - 40
so.... i have 1 A 3 B 2 C 1 D 1 E..
wao~~~ i almost get all the grade... but hopefully don't get G!!!
now still got 5 subject i haven't know what is the marks...
that is EST , SEJ , BIO , SV , and PJK...
hope can pass all....
erm.... but BIO i think we can't get... cause teacher go kursus for 2 weeks....
so... i don't know when only can get my BIO...
thanks god my BC and BI didn't fail....
i thought that my BC and BI will fail...
cause my essay i out of topic...~~~
so... thanks god~!!!!
love eu~
Bad Bad Store, GMBB Bukit Bintang
18 hours ago
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